Puppy Classes

Enrolling your Rottweiler in Puppy Classes

A puppy class is an important milestone for you and your puppy. It is similar to kindergarten where a child learns to be around other children and learns the ABCs’ of the world. Such classes are detrimental for socialization purposes; so do not miss out on them. Generally, the average age of enlisted puppies ranges from as young as 7 to 8 weeks up to six months old. Most classes start with an introduction and the trainer offering advice on tackling common puppy problems. Generally, a puppy class entails exercises that do not last too long to respect the pup’s low attention spans. Good puppy classes aren’t really much about training puppies to perform behaviors  (there’s plenty of time to perfect those afterward) but more about socializing the puppies, getting them used to being handled and interacting with people and dogs since the time for the window for socialization closes around 12 to 16 weeks.

One main reason why dog owners may be discouraged in having their puppy attend a puppy class is the fear of her possibly contracting deadly diseases such as Parvo. At times, veterinarians may be the ones recommending to keep the puppy away from other puppies until he has been fully vaccinated. This ironically happens to occur right when puppies need to be socialized the most.

Rottweilers as mentioned previously are a breed quite prone to Parvo, so the vet may emphasize this more than in other breeds. However, dog owners often refrain from thinking about the number of dogs that are euthanized each year because of severe behavior problems.

“Chances of disease however can be considerably lowered by attending reputable classes that ensure all puppies have been vaccinated and are in good health.’’ Dr. Ian Dunbar, veterinarian, animal behaviorist, and dog trainer, in the November 1999 issue of the “Whole Dog Journal” claims that bite inhibition is the most important life lesson dog owners should teach their dogs. Since dog bites are taken very seriously in society, and may ultimately cause a dog to be surrendered or euthanized, this advice should be taken by all Rottweiler dog owners in a very serious manner.

Look for classes run by reputable trainers who require proof of vaccinations and that take care of properly disinfecting the premises. The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior position statement recommends looking for classes where puppies are required to “receive a minimum of one set of vaccines at least 7 days prior to the first class and a first deworming.” The attending puppies  should be kept up-to-date on vaccines throughout the class.

→Did you know?  According to Nicholas Dodman, Director of the Animal Behavior Clinic at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, “Death from behavior problems is the leading cause of pet mortality’’–not contagious diseases!

Puppy potty training chart

How Often Should Your Rottweiler Puppy be Taken Outside

There is one wonderful equation if you want to guesstimate how often should a puppy go outside…it is called “the month plus one rule. “You do not need to excel in mathematics to get a hang of it. Simply calculate how many months your Rottweiler puppy is and add the number one. This should give you a rough idea of how often your puppy can stay without going potty. So let’s say you got your puppy at eight week old, that is exactly 2 months.

Puppy Potty Training Chart

2 months plus 1= 3 hours, you should therefore take your puppy out every three hours
3 months plus 1=4 hours
4 months plus 1=5 hours
5 months plus 1=6 hours
6 months plus 1= 7 hours
7 months plus 1= 8 hours

You should therefore expect your puppy to be able to hold it overnight by six to seven months old. House-training a puppy is like potty training a child: some may get there earlier some later, but eventually everybody learns! The above puppy potty training chart chart therefore is a general guideline only, each dog is different and there are different scenarios. For instance, upon waking up, your Rottweiler puppy may be thirsty and drink more making his bladder full, or it could be he played a lot in warm weather and gulped down a lot of water at once.  After drinking so much, it’s normal for the puppy to need to potty earlier which may result in an accident if you don’t take notice.

→Did you know?  If your puppy has an accident, it’s important to use good products to clean up accidents. If your puppy is exposed to lingering smells where he had an accident before, he will likely go again assuming that that spot is the correct place for house soiling, therefore, it is fundamental to invest in products that ‘’eat up’’ traces of urine using enzymes. A good product is Nature’s Miracle.

Puppy Chewing Phase

Rottweiler Puppy Chewing Phase

All puppies go through the chewing phase, if you’re looking for solutions to stop Rottweiler puppy chewing, you’re at the right place.. This puppy chewing phase mostly takes place from the ages of six weeks to six months when teething takes place, but it doesn’t stop there. Most Rottweilers love to chew for a good part of their lives, but surviving puppy chewing means simply teaching your puppy what he can or cannot chew on. Rottweilers have powerful jaws, and therefore the amount of damage will be more evident than with a puppy of a smaller breed. Luckily, the major teething phase does not last forever even though it may seem like a very, long time.

There’s not much you can do to stop your Rottweiler puppy from chewing as this is a stage they go through, but there are many things you can do to help him make good choices as to what he can chew and cannot. Appropriate chew toys made specifically for puppies is a good place to start. Not all chew toys are made for puppies. Even though your Rottweiler puppy has sharp teeth, consider that chew toys made for adult dogs are too hard and can easily crack and fracture a tooth. Look for chew toys made specifically for puppies and read the fine lines where it may say ‘not suitable for puppies”.

Always keep an eye on your Rottweiler puppy when chewing any item: the risk for an intestinal obstruction is always there, and there is virtually no chew toy that is 100% safe. Also, never come home and scold your Rottweiler for chewing on your favorite pair of shoes, or a chair, or the carpet. It’s your job to keep those items away! There is no such thing as a dog chewing on your favorite items out of spite. Spite is an exclusive human feeling, and it is too complex for dogs to reason that way.

Dogs live simply in the present; if you come home and get mad at your puppy for chewing on your shoes hours ago, your puppy will not recall chewing that rug half hour ago! Instead, he or she will think you are mad for what she is doing that exact instant you are scolding her which may be something as innocent as looking at you, greeting you or just being calm! Your puppy will lose trust in you in the long run and see you as an unpredictable being that gets upset for no specific reason.

What to do if you get up and come back and catch your puppy chewing your shoes? Well, you left them, so it’s mostly your fault. In the dog world, when something is left unattended, it’s a sign that another dog can get free access to it. Scolding your puppy will likely confuse him. Instead, work on training a good leave it and drop it command and re-direct your puppy to chew on his toys.  Praise him when he makes good choices. Also, ask yourself, why your puppy thinks your shoes are more appealing than his chew toys.  Perhaps it’s time to get different chew toys or rotate them so to gain more interest. Chew toys that are flavored or that can be filled up with food, can make them more appealing than anything else.

→Did you know? Soaking several washcloths in water, squeezing them¸ twisting them or making knots with them and then placing them in the freezer may provide great comfort for those sore gums since they will numb the pain and provide relief whilst chewing on them.

Puppy Proofing Your Home

Getting Your Home Ready for Your Rottweiler Puppy

Your  Rottweiler puppy will be learning about the world around him and just as babies he/she will explores with his mouth. It is your responsibility to puppy- proof your home to welcome your Rottweiler puppy. Some Rottweilers have a “hoover reputation’’ and therefore will swallow the most inappropriate items– just as the best vacuum cleaners on the market. This could cause serious complications such as life threatening intestinal blockages. You must keep everything that can potentially be swallowed out of harm’s way. Following is a checklist.

Puppy Proofing Your Home Checklist

  • Protect your electrical cords using chew-proof coverings such as ‘’critter cord’’. Your puppy may otherwise chew through them and risk electrocution.
  • Know what plants are toxic so to keep them out of harms way. Print out a list of toxic plants from the ASPCA.
  • Remember to store your medications in an inaccessible medicine cabinet.
  • Store chemicals and household cleaners out of reach.
  • Keep harmful foods also out of reach, chocolate, alcohol, raisins, macadamia nuts, cooked bones, candy, chewing gum containing xylitol, fatty foods, are all examples of harmful foods.
  • Keep you bathroom and trash cans out of reach.
  • Keep the toilet seat covered and tampons, sanitary pads and razors out of reach.
  • Tie up cords used for drapery and blinds as they can cause strangulation.
  • . Keep your socks, nylons, underwear away ad your laundry basket off the floor.
  • Store small items such as coins, buttons, yarn, rubber bands and beads out of reach.
  • Keep windows and doors always closed, use a baby gate to prevent access to stairs.
  • Keep your cat’s litter box out of reach.
  • If you smoke, consider that cigarette butts are bad for dogs and so are nicotine gums and patches.
  • Use common sense, but also consider that even innocent looking items may pose harm.

As seen, a puppy can get into trouble when you aren’t actively monitoring. It may take just a second you turn your back away for your puppy to ingest something or get hurt. You may want to designate a safe haven for your Rottweiler puppy where he is less likely to be in trouble. Use this area when you cannot actively supervise your puppy. You can use a crate or set up an easy-to-clean area with baby gates and a crate in a corner. It is in your best interest to set up this area where you have tiles or a wood floor for obvious cleaning purposes.


Did you know?  Even innocent items such as pennies can spell for disaster. Pennies minted after 1982 indeed can cause ”penny poisoning’’ because of their zinc content.

Puppy Life Stages

Rottweiler Puppy Life Stages

Once you take your puppy home at eight weeks old you will encounter different puppy life stages as your puppy matures. Your awareness of the stages will help you understand your Rottweiler’s behaviors better and help you become a better trainer. Following are the puppy life stages and important milestones from birth to adulthood.

From birth to 12 days Neonatal Period

Being an altricial species, meaning that puppies are pretty much born in a relatively helpless state, puppies at this time totally depend on their mother for warmth (they are unable to regulate their own internal temperature) and obviously food. Newborn puppies cannot see or hear and they require stimulation from their mother to urinate and defecate. They tend to crawl about at this stage and spend the majority of their time sleeping.

From 13 to 21 days: Transitional Period

The puppy’s eyes will open and the puppy’s ear canals will open as well allowing the puppy to hear. They also will start to walk in a wobbly manner. This is a great time to introduce sensorial stimulation such as new surfaces to walk on, other pets, and continue with gentle handling mimicking light grooming sessions. Exposure to normal household sounds, smells and sights will help the puppy better adjust in a new home once adopted. For this reason, it is important to purchase the puppy from a good breeder, never purchase a Rottweiler puppy that has been raised in a garage or a barn. The puppy’s first deciduous (milk teeth) will appear at around twenty days, and the puppy will start becoming interested in solid food. Mother dogs at the same time, start becoming reluctant to nurse due to feeling the sharp teeth against her nipples. The weaning process is about to start. Puppies start wagging their tails at this time. Social behaviors start to take place with the first play/fight sessions, vocalizations and use of body postures for communication purposes.

From days 21 to 23: Awareness Period

Ellen Dodge in an article appearing in the 1989 issue of the Weimarener Magazine, lists this stage as a sub-period of the Canine Socialization Period. Now that the senses are fully developed, puppies should not be exposed to radical changes that may overload them. Ellen recommends to take two puppies at a time and let them explore by exposing them to a new surface such as concrete, linoleum, wood, and carpet during this time. Taking two puppies at once will make the process less stressful.

From days 21 to 49: Canine Socialization Period

Puppies at this stage learn they are dogs and it is crucial to keep the puppies with their mother and litter mates to learn important life lessons. Removing a puppy during this time may lead to a puppy that has little knowledge about social behaviors, prone to discipline problems and aggressive behaviors. Again, a reputable breeder will never remove a puppy early from its mother and litter mates. Never get a puppy from a breeder earlier than eight weeks, unless it is orphaned.

Steve R. Lindsay a professional dog trainer and author of the book ‘’Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior, claims: “This period is especially important for the development of a stable emotional temperament and effective tone. Many social and emotional deficits observed in adult dogs are believed to result from removing puppies too early from the mother and litter-mates.” It is during this time, that puppies learn to relate with their litter-mates and removing the puppy too early can affect the puppy’s future ability to get along with other dogs.

Also, during this time, the puppies learn about bite inhibition. If the puppy plays too rough, the other puppy will squeal and withdraw from play. This important “ time-out” teaches the rough pup that in order to play, he must be more gentle with his teeth; a very important life lesson enforced as well by mother dog should the puppy bite too hard when nursing; indeed, under such circumstance she will likely stand up and leave.

From 7 to 12 weeks Human Socialization

Dogs are one of the few species that can be socialized with their own species (con-specific) and at the same time with humans (intra-specific). This time is an important sensitive period, meaning that experiences and events taking place during this time will leave a long lasting impression on the puppy. Socializing the dog with as much people as possible will help reduce the dog’s reactivity towards unfamiliar circumstances and fear responses. In a large protective breed like the Rottweiler it’s crucial for puppies to encounter positive experiences and learn behaviors of humans including babies, adults, children and seniors.

Dr. Ian Dunbar recommends “meeting 100 new people by 12 weeks”. During this time, most puppies are fully weaned and ready to be adopted. This is a great time to enroll the puppy in a puppy class (we will discuss the importance of this soon). Puppies in such classes are exposed to people and dogs and derive important life long experiences in a controlled, safe setting and under the supervision and guidance of a professional trainer. Socialization is therefore crucial during this important window of opportunity.

Once the window is closed, your Rottweiler will still continue to learn, but not in a prominent and significant way as during this prime time. If your Rottweiler misses much of this time, you may end up with a dog that is fearful reactive towards strangers or unusual looking people, a dog that is unable to recognize what is normal or abnormal in everyday life. This means you will have an overload of work to deal with in order to to makeup for this lack of socialization When this happens, your Rottweiler will be bigger and therefore more capable of doing harm, his cognitive functions may not be elastic as before, and therefore he will be less apt to learn that people mean no harm, and you may have loads of recuperative work involving desensitation and counter conditioning, which we will address later in the behavior problem section.

However, do not expect that with maturity you are done in socializing your Rottweiler. It does not work this way. Your Rottweiler will need ongoing socialization for the rest of his life. With this breed you are never done with socialization. You will still need to take your Rottweiler with you in places, to meet people, and absorb as much as possible about the world and creating positive experiences. If you were too lax during the socialization period, you may see the results later on; unfavorable reactions towards strangers, weak nerves, unexpected reactions towards unfamiliar scenarios, etc.

First Fear Imprint Period: 8-11 weeks

While the human socialization process takes place up until 12 weeks, it is imperative not to frighten the puppy during this time by exposing him/her to traumatizing events. Try to avoid harsh discipline, shipping the puppy during this time, or having the puppy undergo elective surgeries. A traumatic event during this time, may permanently affect how a dog responds in the future to frightening experiences. Puppies may go into avoidance responses and learn to hide and have long recovery times. Keep training positive during this time and praise your puppy for investigating and taking initiative in facing its fears. Put your puppy up for success by avoiding experiences that can be traumatizing or frightening especially during this time.

Seniority Classification 10-16 weeks

The puppy during this time has likely been in your home for some time. During this phase, your puppy may test a bit his boundaries and see how consistent you are in implementing the rules. So keep it up with your training and guidance, your Rottweiler puppy is just clarifying what he can get away with, so hold on tight and ride it out!

Flight Instinct 4 to 8 months

“Seems to forget everything previously learned.” – “How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With”

This is a time where your Rottweiler will taste his freedom and boundaries. Make sure you have access to a good leash or a long line and polish your recall command. Do not get upset, this is just a phase… your Rottweiler will get over it eventually. Continue to be consistent, make yourself the most interesting thing around, and use lots of positive reinforcement to make coming to you a really big event. Consider as well that is the time where most dogs are relinquished at the shelter due to their testing behaviors and intense chewing. See the section about choosing durable toys for your Rottweiler for help.

Second Fear Period 6 to 14 months

This is a time where your Rottweiler may appear weaker nerved and reactive. The time-frame may extend the 14 months and it is often tied to sexual maturity, The fear period may shift and come and go as in growth spurts. Often you may hear an owner saying during this time ‘Buster just growled at this guy and he never did that before!’’ Dogs also tend to become more reactive during this time, thus you may see your Rottweiler bark more at the fence or for unusual sounds. During this phase, it’s important to not force your Rottweiler to interact with what he fears. Allow him to investigate at his own pace and praise him for taking initiative.  Feed treats when he sees the source of his fear. He will pull through this phase if you have socialized him well.

Make safety your top priority, and do not expose your Rottweiler to situations that may overwhelm him. Build up his confidence through training. Have a few strangers volunteer and toss your dog a few treats as you pass by them if he has shown reactive behaviors towards strangers. Tell them to ignore your dog. We will see later a behavior modification program for dogs reactive towards strangers. As in the first fear period, avoid traumatic experiences such as shipping your dog in the cargo compartment of a plane. Your male Rottweiler may likely lift his leg during this time and your female may go into heat. Your Rottweiler is growing into an adult dog.

Maturity 1-4 years old

If you thought your work is done, you are not even near! Your Rottweiler must still continue to be socialized and trained. Maturity takes long in this breed. While some smaller breeds are socially mature around one year, a Rottweiler may be considered mature at 2 to 3 years of age.  As mentioned previously, you are really never done with socializing a Rottweiler. You still want to take him along in trips, meet and greet people, and let him learn about the world. If you have not trained and worked in socializing your Rottweiler, now is the time during which you will see problems such as fear aggression, territorial behaviors when people knock at the door, defensive behaviors.. According to Sue St. Gelais; “Additional classes or private help with training may be a wise investment. It can provide you with the structure and commitment to train him that you need at this time. Proceed with training in a matter-of-fact, no nonsense manner and your dog will become a reasonably obedient dog.”

→Did you know? Fear periods were there for a reason. In the wild, this time coincided with when the puppies would learn under the guidance of their mom, which stimuli were threatening and non-threatening. At this stage, once they are fully mobile and outdoors, a lack of caution may cause them to easily get killed, explains Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist Patricia McConnell, in her book “For the Love of a Dog”.