Troubleshooting your Rottweiler’s Sit

Troubleshooting your Rottweiler's Sit Obedience training would be a breeze if there were never any problems and trainers would be…


Training Your Rottweiler to Sit Through Luring

Training Your Rottweiler to Sit Through Luring Training your Rottweiler to sit is one of the most important cues to…


Choosing a Puppy

Choosing a Puppy So now that you know good places and bad places to get a Rottweiler, next in line…


Choosing a Rottweiler

Choosing a Rottweiler Adult or puppy? Most like to get puppies because they are cute and the owners like to…


Choosing an Adult Dog

Choosing an Adult Dog If you are going the adult route there is an advantage: you get what you mostly…


Rottweiler Appearance

Rottweiler Appearance The Rottweiler is categorized by the American Kennel Club as a working breed. The Rottweiler breed is large…


What’s in That Black and Tan Body

Rottweilers value their family, their pack, with which they feel secure. For this reason they do poorly when left in…


The Ideal Home

The Ideal Home for a Rottweiler The Rottweiler is not a breed for everyone and does best in a home…


Using Crates

Using Crates There seems to be a lot of controversy on the topic of crates. Some people see them as…


Where to get a Rottweiler

Where to get a Rottweiler It is far easier to say where NOT to get a Rottweiler puppy. Adopting a…
